The major supply of Milk & Meat for human consumption is meted by Bovine population of which Buffaloes and Cows contribute more. The hygiene and sound health condition of our people are through the supply of milk by these two categories of bovine. The economic prosperity of individuals and the country is substantially derived from both the types.
However buffaloes and cows are not considered with equal significance and maintenance. In respect of cows more of divinity is attached, thereby worshipping it is also observed. Even among the cows, indigenous cows (cross breeds are excluded) are given more significance as per religious belief. Of the total world buffalo population, 56 per cent is in India. Out of the total milk production (2018-19), 48.9 per cent is derived from buffalo. The total milk production in that year was 187.75 million MTs, of which 91.82 million MTs were from buffaloes. Of the total cows’ milk, 51.25 million MTs are from cross bred cows. The remaining 38.57 million MTs yielded by the indigenous cows.
In respect of maintenance and animal husbandry, buffaloes are not paid due attention. This discrimination among the milk supplying bovines is neither accidental nor casual. It has been consistent and continuous happening from the past. Varnasrama discriminates not only humans; its influence has been extended to bovines too. It has to be considered in connection with the intrusion of Aryans and the cultural invasion attempted by them over indigenous people who were black. The allergy to Black has been exhibited on bovines too. Even the ‘gods’ were discriminated like that. Cow is considered divine animal and respected as the vehicle of ‘Shiva’ whereas, buffaloes are disrespected by treating them as of “Yama”, the god assigned with the duty of ending the life of humans.
The proportion of meat export is significantly more from Buffaloes, the corporates of which are run by the right wing outfits
In our ‘holy’, land, worth and respect of humans are not based on the contribution made by the toiling forces. Practice imposed among humans are also made applicable to animals in showing disparities between buffaloes and cows.