The General Body Meeting of the Dravidar Kazhagam (DK) was held at Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu on 15th February, 2025, presided over by Dr.K.Veeramani, the President of the Movement, and attended in large numbers by prominent functionaries, cadres as Members of the Body and ardent followers as observers. Thirteen vital Resolutions were proposed, seconded and passed as narrated here below:
1. P.G. Medical Course Admissions
The Government of Tamil Nadu meets all the expenses related to the infrastructure, surgical instruments, equipments, accessories and medicines required for medical colleges. It controls the establishment and administration of medical colleges, but 50 per cent of the seats in PG Medical courses has already been assigned to the admissions on an All India level and the State has admission rights only over the other 50 per cent seats. This is mainly to the misinterpretation of the adumbration in the Constitution. ‘Concurrent List’ pointed out in the VII Schedule of the Constitution is being erroneously used as ‘Common List’, which is unacceptable.
The Supreme Court has denied the States the right to admit students as per the choice of the States and that students hailing from any part of the country could be admitted in the P.G. Medical course seats. This is undeniably the height of irregularity on the part of the Union Government. The Supreme Court pronounced its verdict that reservation based on the native of the students cannot be permitted. This verdict is a violation of the principle of federalism itself.
Medical courses are to be under the purview of the States but since education is in the ‘Concurrent List’, the Union Government has been intervening into it. This is against the laws in vogue.
In Tamil Nadu, a number of super speciality hospitals are getting established. There is a dire need for the State to bring out super specialist doctors to serve these hospitals. Excellence in P.G. Medical studies depends on such super specialist medical practitioners. If the seats in medical colleges of our State are filled with the students of different states, they would seek placements in their own States or migrate to hospitals abroad. This would cause want of super specialists in our hospitals. Inspite of the expenses being borne by the State, if it is not allowed to take any decision in admission issues, it is certainly anti-federalism.
Owing to the verdict of the Supreme Court, more than 1200 seats for PG Medical courses are likely to be lost by Tamil Nadu. This could happen in the forthcoming years. If any student from any part of India could join P.G. Medical course in Tamil Nadu, it would only mean unjust intrusion in States’ rights. The Government of Tamil Nadu has decided to submit a Review Petition protesting against the verdict of the Supreme Court. This General Body welcomes the move. It is hereby RESOLVED to urge all the Social Justice Organisations, parties and outfits to come forward and fight collectively against the verdict of the Supreme Court. The edifice of health and public welfare in Tamil Nadu would crumble if the verdict is not repealed complying with the request of all the States.
2. The Unwarranted UGC Draft Regulations
Recently the University Grants Commission (UGC) let out its Draft Regulations empowering State Governors to appoint Vice-Chancellors in Universities. This implies intrusion in the rights of States. Revised regulations related to the appointment of teaching faculty and other staff in Universities and Colleges have been specified in the Draft, that intrudes in the rights of States. A Resolution is to be passed in Tamil Nadu State Legislative Assembly demanding the revocation of this Draft. Such a Resolution must be passed also in the State Legislative Assemblies of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, West Bengal and Telangana.
At this crucial hour, we should all stand united to defeat the attempts of the Union Government. That is very important. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Thiru.M.K.Stalin has written to the Chief Ministers of all the states to review this demand and pass resolutions accordingly in their Legislative Assemblies. His effort is indeed commendable. Based on it, a Resolution has already been passed in the State of Kerala. The State of Telangana has raised voice against UGC Draft Regulations. As per the Constitution, at present education is in the Concurrent List. The Union Government should not arrive at any decision without consulting the States, in matters related to education. According to the VII Schedule of the Constitution and item No.32 in the State List, Universities in a State are under the control of the Government of the State. The UGC is not supposed to release any order pertaining to administrative affairs. Hence, at this juncture, it is quite clear that the UGC Draft Regulations are against the Constitution. It is RESOLVED by this General Body to insist the Union Government on revoking the unwarranted Draft Regulations. The resolution was unanimously passed during the General Body meeting.
3. (a) Chidambaram Nataraj Temple to be brought under the
HR&CE Act:
The Nataraj Temple in Chidambaram is not the property of the Temple Priests (Dikshitars) in it. It was built in the 10th century by the kings of Chola dynasty. It is not anyone’s private property. We have verdicts declaring the temple as a common place of worship. The Dikshitars had submitted review petition using their influence and contacts and retained the temple under the sole control of their families.
The Chidambaram Temple owns 2000 acres of land, but a large slice of it has been swindled by the Dikshitars of the temple. They have sold it and embezzled the temple property. This has come to light through cases related to the issue. Proper accounts have never been maintained for income and expenditure. Boxes for contributions have not been kept anywhere. Jewellery offered by devotees as donations have not been accounted for. Hence, they have all become the property of those priests.
From 2004 to 2008, the Nataraj Temple of Chidambaram was under the control of the Hindu Religious and Charity Endowments Department (HR&CE). The Charitable Endowment Department showed 6 crore Rupees as the annual income. By the auction of shops to sell pooja material a sum of Rupees Fifteen lakh was earned. Today, besides their regular salaries and the earnings through the temple land, these Priests are embezzling even this 6 crore Rupees earned as annual income of the temple. The large venue of thousand pillars is being let on rent for public marriages. Child marriages have also become a regular feature. Devotees and the common public are deeply upset over the nefarious activities, misappropriation, irregularity in temple administration and wilful dereliction of duty by the temple priests. By overall view of the entire maladministration, it is hereby RESOLVED to urge the Government of Tamil Nadu to take necessary steps and bring the Nataraj Temple of Chidambaram under its control. This General Body insists on appropriate remedial measures by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
3.(b). Violation of Untouchability Eradication Act:
The South Car Street entrance of Chidambaram Temple remains shut for a long period since a ‘Scheduled Caste’ man called Nandan once barged into the temple through that gate. This closure is certainly against the untouchability eradication law of the Government. Hence, the D.M.K. Government is urged by this General Body to get this gate opened by appropriate action. It is RESOLVED to insist on necessary action by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
Like minded people should collectively join and organise at the earliest an agitation of protest for this specific purpose. It is RESOLVED by the General Body to urge the President of the Dravidar Kazhagam to announce a tentative date for this united agitation.
4 (a) The Priest in the Murugan Temple of Palani, Tamil Nadu:
Long ago a non-brahmin sage called Bogar installed the idol of lord Murugan in the Temple at Palani. His heirs were maintaining the temple for a long period. During the rule of King Thirumalai Naicker, his army Chief drove them away and appointed five brahmin priests at the temple. This was caste disparity. The heirs of the Bogar family should again be appointed as temple priests to abolish brahmin supremacy. The General Body urges the Government of Tamil Nadu to terminate the brahmin priests now in service. It is RESOLVED to see that the Bogar dynasty descendants are appointed again in the Palani Murugan temple.
4(b) By the efforts of the Government of Tamil Nadu, people of various castes were appointed as Archakas (temple priests), adhering to the law related to the rights of people of all castes to serve as ‘Archakas’.
On the basis of 69 per cent reservation policy of the Government, this has to be implemented in all other temples of the State. It is RESOLVED by the General Body to urge the Government of Tamil Nadu to see that such appointments are made invariably at all the temples uniformly all over the State.
5. Caste-wise Census
Union Government should commence caste wise census work at the earliest. The latest decennial census was of 2011. Census of 2021 is yet to begin. There is an inordinate delay by the Union Government. This is against the principle of social justice. As per the laws, this task is within the purview of the Union Government. Hence, it is RESOLVED by the General Body to insist it on commencing it without any more delay.
6. Moves against Social Justice:
It is stressed by the General Body that moves of the Union Government, that are against Social Justice, will no longer be allowed and tolerated. Social Justice has been adumbrated and insisted upon in the Preamble of the Constitution. Since the rule headed by the BJP was formed at the Union, the very purpose of reservation is defeated causing social injustice. The unwarranted economic yardstick imposed by the Union Government has shattered the base of Social justice. Considering socially and educationally backwardness would be the right approach legally. Economic Backwardness is an unacceptable yardstick. Economic yardstick was rejected by the First Constitution Amendment itself. Inspite of that, under the garb of economically weaker upper caste, 10 per cent reservation has been allocated which would be beneficial to a large extent only to brahmins. By this unjust move and law, the purpose of Reservation itself has been defeated by the Union Government. It is a matter of grave concern that the Supreme Court has also accepted it, contradicting its own verdict pronounced earlier. While pointing out the contradiction, the General Body urges the Union Government to withdraw and revoke completely the economic yardstick which is against the principle of Social Justice. Granting 10 per cent reservation to the Upper caste poor under the term ‘Economically Weaker Sections’ (EWS) is really contemptible. Hence, it is hereby RESOLVED to protest against this on an All India level and fight until it is repealed.
7. Protest against privatisation of public sector understandings:
The Union Government headed by the BJP has been consistently implementing schemes privatising public sector undertakings. It has enhanced in Insurance Companies the foreign direct investments (FDI) from 74 per cent to 100 per cent. This is a move that could lead the L.I.C. towards privatisation. We have to protest against this by our slogans – “Let us protect public sector undertakings! Let us safeguard Social Justice in them!” It is RESOLVED by the General Body to urge all the like minded activists and the oppressed people to join us and fight collectively to prevent privatisation of public sector undertakings.
8. Reservation needed in Private Sector undertakings too
Public Sector undertakings are gradually getting privatised. At this crucial juncture, it is felt that we badly need reservations even in the Private Sector undertakings. An appropriate amendment in the laws is urgently required. The General Body urges the Union Government to accomplish this task immediately. It also stresses that all the State Governments must extend support by insisting on the Union Government to comply with our demand. The General Body also insists upon implementing reservation in promotions of the employees. It is RESOLVED to follow up all these and see that we achieve success at the earliest.
9. Commendation to the Dravidian Model Government
During the Annual Budget Session, on 31.01.2025, the Economic Survey for 2024-2025 was tabled in the Parliament by the Union Finance Minister. The report commended the exceptional achievements of the Government of Tamil Nadu, for 47 per cent increase in the export of leather products, employment opportunities for more than two lakhs people in footwear manufacturing industry, and a significant rise in the learning activity of students owing to the “Education at Door – Step” scheme. The Economic Survey report commended the Dravidian Model Government in Tamil Nadu of this great achievement on an All-India level.
As per the noble policy – “Everything is for Everyone”, including all the people in all the sections of the society, the Hon’ble Chief Minister has been moving towards his targeted mission successfully. He has emerged the ‘Hero in the History of Social Justice’. The General Body commends his able governance. It is RESOLVED to convey him best wishes and appreciate his marvellous administration.
10. Paddy procurement not to be by private units.
The paddy cultivated and produced by farmers has been procured at present only by the State Governments. The Union Government has decided to grant this procurement right to private units. The General Body condemns this unjust move. It is RESOLVED to insist the Union Government on continuing the existing system of its procuring paddy directly from the farmers.
11. The Aryan Cultural Invasion on Tamil
Under the garb of research on the brahmin Sage Agastya, an Aryan Cultural Invasion on Tamil commenced recently. The Central Institute of Classical Tamil (CICT) is supposed to involve itself in works related to the development of Tamil language. Instead of carrying on with this task, this Institute is now involved in an undesirable task. A brahmin lady who has nothing to do with Tamil language and researches related to it, has been appointed as the Vice-Chairperson of this Institute. The Institute now in her charge has been knee deep in the task of elevating Sanskrit culture to the highest level. She has been glorifying a mythological character called Agastya, who was a brahmin. This Institute keeps spreading a disinformation that great Tamil works such as Thirukkural and Tholkappiyam are the essence of Aryan philosophy. The General Body condemns this malicious misinterpretation. The Tamil citizens, eminent Tamil Scholars, academicians and learned professors must defeat the Aryan ploy by condemning it.
Through the CICT’s attempts are being made to belittle Tamil language. The General Body protests against this Aryan cultural invasion. It is RESOLVED to inculcate an awareness in Tamil citizens by conducting a seminar during April – 2025. Self-respective poets, scholars, researchers and renowned literary celebrities would be invited to discuss this issue. The Aryan ploy to defame Tamil should be defeated by our collective efforts. This resolution is passed to succeed in the mission concerned.
12. The Annual Budget
– betraying Tamil Nadu
The 2025-2026 Annual Budget of the Union government is not at all favourable in any manner to the State of Tamil Nadu. No productive scheme could be found in it. There is no mention of Disaster Relief Fund, Metro Rail, Highways development etc; Allocation of fund has not been specified for any welfare scheme in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu has been ignored and neglected without any hope for constructive development aided by the Union Government. Funds have been allocated only to the States that are likely to face elections in a short period, and to the States at present under BJP headed rule. This is against the principle of federalism.
Under Samagra Shiksha Scheme, the Department of Education in Tamil Nadu should get an aid of Rs.2,152 crore. This is being denied unjustly. This aid is diverted probably to other States. Under the garb of PM Shri Scheme, the three language policy is being imposed on us. These are all signs of exceeding the limits of power prescribed in the Constitution and its gross misuse.
The States ruled by opposition parties, including Tamil Nadu, are being wilfully betrayed and victimised. The General Body condemns the attitude of the Union Government. It is RESOLVED to urge it to remember at all times that India is a Union of States as per the provision of the Constitution and hence an impartial treatment is essential.
13. Fifty per cent Reservation for T.N.Youth in public sector undertakings
The General Body insists on 50 per cent Reservation for the Tamil Nadu youth in employment in all the Union Government services and all the public sector undertakings in Tamil Nadu. In establishments such as NLC, BHEL, ONGC, Power Grid, Banks and the Railways there is a large scale domination by North Indians. These organisations seem to function mainly with the intention of providing North Indians with livelihood. According to the recent placement advertisement of NLC (No.19/2024 – 16.12.2024), 167 engineers are to be recruited based on marks obtained in GATE. The GATE Test is meant for candidates qualifying for M.E; M.Tech Degrees. This entrance exam need not be conducted to select engineers for placement in NLC. This method should be given up. The selection process must be beneficial also to the young graduates in Tamil Nadu. It is hence RESOLVED by the General Body to urge the authorities concerned to revamp the selection process and be fair to all in a disinterested manner. The qualified youth in Tamil Nadu should be given placement opportunities by the grant of 50 per cent reservation in public sector organisations and also in establishments undertaken by the Union Government in Tamil Nadu.
The General Body Meeting concluded when all the 13 above mentioned Resolutions were unanimously passed.