The translators and publisher of books on Periyar thoughts honoured by Asiriyar Dr.K. Veeramani. Dr.Jaswant Rai (Punjabi), Supriya Tarunlekha Bandopadhyaya (Bengali), Prof. Dhaneswar Sahoo (Odia) and Lal Salam (Malayalam) were honoured at the FIRA Conference – 28th December 2024.
The Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations (FIRA) is an umbrella organisation of which many rationalist organisations from different States of the country are members. The 13th National Conference of FIRA was held on 28th – 29th December 2024. One of the affiliates of FIRA, an organisation ‘The Rationalists’ Forum founded by the social revolutionary Thanthai Periyar E.V.Ramasamy (1879 – 1973) and guided by its Patron Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani in 1970 hosted the two-day conference. The conference proceedings were held at Periyar Centenary Educational Complex, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Nagar, Trichy. The delegates of the affiliates arrived at Trichy one day in advance. The theme of the Conference was ‘Endless Journey towards a Secular and Scientific Tempered Society.’
First day – 28th December 2024
The registration of the delegates had commenced on line a month in advance. Spot registration was also entertained on the first day.
Inauguration: FIRA 13th National Conference was presided over by Prof.Narendra Nayak, National President, FIRA. The convenor of the Conference and the President of The Rationalists’ Forum, R.Tamilselvan welcomed the delegates and observers. The guests of the inaugural session were felicitated by the organisers. After that, Prof. Dr.Sudesh Ghoderao, National Secretary of FIRA briefed about the programme of the Conference. Poet Kali.Poongundran, Vice-President, Dravidar Kazhagam, delivered the inaugural address.
Conferment of Award on Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani
The humanist leader, who is at present leading the rationalist movement founded by Periyar, Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani was felicitated by Manava Vikasa Vedika, an affiliate of FIRA from Telangana State.
As a recognition for having contributed for the cause of Humanism, Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani was conferred on with ‘National Humanist Award 2024’. The honour includes an Award Citation and Cash Award of Rs.10,000/-. The President and the apex level functionaries of Manava Vikasa Vedika conferred the Award.
Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani accepted the Award and announced that he has endorsed the cash award of Rs.10,000/- to ‘Periyar World’ a great monument that is in progress at Siruganur, near Trichy, beside the National Highway 45.
Honouring the dignitaries for translation of books on Periyar Thought
The speeches and writings of Thanthai Periyar have been translated in various regional languages of our country and in foreign languages also. Three scholars who had done that work were felicitated by the ideological disciple of Periyar – Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani.
The books translated were all published either in Tamil or English by the Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution, a public trust formed by Periyar in 1952.
l The book, ‘Collected Works of Periyar EVR’ was translated into Punjabi by Dr.Jaswant Rai.
l The books ‘Periyar Thoughts’ and ‘Why were women enslaved?’ were translated into Bengali by Supriya Tarunlekha Bandopadhyaya.
l Prof. Dhaneswar Sahoo honoured for his Odia translation of ‘Ivarthan Periyar’, by Manjai Vasanthan.
l Lal Salam, the publisher – ‘Mythri Books’ in Kerala had translated various books of Periyar from Tamil to Malayalam and published all of them.
The four scholars were felicitated in the presence of the organisers and audience of the conference. M.Shanmugam, the DMK Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) veteran trade union leader addressed.

Former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha) and the Chairperson of Public Relations, DMK, Mr.T.K.S.Elangovan delivered the key note address.
The inaugural session was concluded by the Special Address of Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani, Patron, The Rationalists’ Forum.
Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mr.E.T.Rao, Vice President, FIRA from Odisha.
Academic Session – I
After the tea break, academic sessions started wherein chairpersons, and special dignitaries addressed on various sub themes. The delegates presented papers on the subtheme.
Accordingly the subtheme for the first Academic Session was ‘Centenary of Periyar’s Self Respect Movement’.
After the Chairpersons, Mr.E.T. Rao, Vice President, FIRA and Mr.Prince Ennares Periyar, Deputy General Secretary, Dravidar Kazhagam spoke on the theme, Prof. Suba Veerapandian, President, Dravidian Tamil Federation delivered the Special Address.
Prof. Dhaneswar Sahoo (Odisha), Dr.M. Govindasamy (Malaysia), Mr.B.Sambasiva Rao (Telangana) and Mr.Iringal Krishnan (Kerala)presented their papers.
The Rapporteur Lal Salam (Kerala) summarised the presentations.
Academic Session – II
The sub theme of the Academic Session – II was ‘Impact of New Criminal Laws on rationalists, activists and citizens’ and Dr.Durai Chandrasekaran was the Chair person. After the Address of the Chair person, Dr.A.Thiyagarajan, Senior Advocate, Madras High Court delivered the Special Address.
Paper presentations were by Dr.Harindar Lally, Advocate (Punjab), Dr.B.Venugopal (Tamil Nadu) and Mr.M. Mutharasan (Tamil Nadu).
Mr.Buddha Musili Naidu, Secretary of FIRA and the Rapporteur of the session narrated the core points covered in the presentation.
Academic Session – III
After the lunch break, the session on the sub theme, ‘The letter and spirit of Article 51A(h) commenced. Mr.V.Kumaresan, Treasurer, Dravidar Kazhagam and Mr.A.Ravichandran, President, Mumbai Rationalists’ Forum chaired the session.
Mr.K.Venkatapathy, Advocate and Former Minister of State of Law and Justice, Government of India delivered the Special Address. Apart from that Dr.V.Neru, President, Rationalist Writers’ Forum and Mr.M.Alagirisamy, President, Rationalist Media Wing also addressed on the sub theme.
Paper presentations were made by Prof.Dr.Swaminathan Devadoss (Tamil Nadu), Mr.Gangadhar Sahoo IAS (Rtd.) (Odisha), Dr.Dharmaraj Adab (Kerala) and Dr.Sudesh Ghoderao (Maharashtra). Mr.Manoj D. Bansod, Secretary, FIRA and Rapporteur of the session summarised the paper presentations.
‘Periyar World’
Mr.V.Anburaj, General Secretary, Dravidar Kazhagam delivered a special lecture on ‘Periyar World’, a Mega project installing a 95 feet high Periyar Statue on a pedestal of 60 feet height, surrounded by science exhibition, Children’s theme park, library and research centre on Periyar’s ideology etc. The presentation was with the images of the proposed plan and the executed work.

Asiriyar Dr. K Veeramani flags off ‘Walkathan’ to spread scientific temper and outlook.
FIRA Organisational Session – I
The session was chaired by Prof.Narendra Nayak, National President FIRA. The functionaries of the affiliated organisations presented their activities – report since the previous 12th National Conference held in Barnala, Punjab in 2022. Discussions were held on the future activities of FIRA as well as the affiliated organisations. Dr.Sudesh Ghoderao, National Secretary of FIRA summarised the outcome of the organisational session.
Cultural Session
The session was chaired by Mr.Mari. Karunanidhi, State Secretary, Arts & Cultural Wing, The Rationalists’ Forum, Tamil Nadu. Miracle Exposure Programme was conducted by Master Eetti. Ganesan and a rationalist Comrade Sukhdev Malookpuri from Punjab, Dance programmes depicting the different cultures of the various states of our country were presented by the students and teachers of Periyar Centenary Education Complex.
Second Day – 29th December 2024
The delegates were bifurcated into two groups – One group assembled at Periyar statue (the first statue that was installed on 17th September 1967 when Periyar was alive and participated in the unveiling function) near Central Bus Station, Trichy. Another group went to visit ‘Periyar World’ comingup 30 kms away from Trichy.
The group assembled at Periyar Statue was to commence a Walkathon to Periyar Maligai, Puthur. The Walkathon was flagged off by Asiriyar Dr.K. Veeramani. The Walkathon participants wore T-shirts depicting awareness to develop scientific temper in the minds of people. The Walkathon proceeded silently devoid of any slogans but holding placards for the dissemination of the message. The Walkathon ended at Periyar Maligai, Puthur. The passersby and public watched curiously, the Walkathon, led smartly by the 92 – year old leader, well known to them as Asiriyar Veeramani.
Visit to Periyar World
The other group of delegates went to visit ‘Periyar World’. The details of ‘Periyar World’ projects were explained to the delegates mostly outside the State of Tamil Nadu by Mr.V.Anburaj, General Secretary, Dravidar Kazhagam. The delegates went around the 29 acre site and saw the upcoming of the mega project.
Tree planting
Rationalists’ organisations are mainly aimed at the good and respectful life of every human. Apart from it, they are concerned with the conservation of natural resources that must be made available to future generations. As a mark of conserving green vegetation tree planting was carried out by the delegates at ‘Periyar World’. The tree planted will be protected as a mark of visit of the delegates of the FIRA 13th National Conference in the emerging ‘Periyar World’.
Special Session
Back to the Periyar Centenary Educational Complex, the second day proceedings were started with Special Session – The session was chaired by Mr.G.Karunanidhy, General Secretary, All India Other Backward Classes Employees’ Association (AIOBC). The sub theme of the session was ‘Towards Secular, Scientific, Self-Respective New World…….’. The Special Address was delivered by Respectful S.S.Sivasankar, Minister for Transport, Government of Tamil Nadu and Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani.
Book Release
The book ‘Superstitions – Myths and Realities’, the English translation of original Marathi, written by Harish K. Deshmukh of Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmoolan Samithi was released by Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani and the first copy was received by Respectful S.S. Sivasankar, Minister for Transport. Both the author and the publisher, Lal Salam were felicitated by Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani along with the prime functionaries of FIRA.
Academic Session IV
The sub theme of the session was ‘Women and Superstitions’. The session was chaired by Ms.Mamata Nayak of FIRA.
Paper presentations were made by Dr.Radhika Murugesan (Tamil Nadu), Mr.Karre Mallesham (Telangana), Ms.Basanthi Acharya (Odisha) and Mr.Harish K. Deshmukh (Maharashtra). The proceedings were summarised by Monica Shridhar Puram Shetty (FIRA)
Parallel Session
In this session the delegates who did not get opportunity to present their paper were provided due slot. The session was chaired by Dr.R.Gowthaman, Director, Periyar Medical Mission and Dr.M.S.Kanmani.
Mr.S.N.Anbumani (Tamil Nadu), Ms.V.Elavarasi Sankar (Tamil Nadu), Mr.Parveen Rathee (Haryana), Mr.K.Somasundaram (Tamil Nadu), Mr.S.Sibbhi Raj (Tamil Nadu), Mr.Sabir Mohammed.M (Tamil Nadu), Mr.Babu Bethovan (Kerala), Mr.Z.Brain Adams John (Tamil Nadu), Ms.Swapna Sundar (Tamil Nadu), Mr.Nallayam Natarajan (Puducherry) presented their papers.
The proceedings were summarised by the Rapporteur, Ms.A.Veeramarthini, Presidium Chairman, Dravidar Kazhagam.
Organisational Session – I
The Chairperson was Prof.Narendra Nayak, National President, FIRA. General Body Meeting was held. Resolutions were passed and detailed discussion on Future Action Plans were held. New team of functionaries were elected for the next tenure of FIRA. Dr.Sudesh Ghoderao, National Secretary, FIRA summarised the proceedings.
The Conference Report was presented by Poet Selva Meenakshi Sundaram, Secretary, The Rationalist Writers’ Forum. Resolutions passed in the General Body were read out in the session. Prof.Narendra Nayak and Dr.Sudesh Ghoderao summarised the Conference proceedings. Mr.E.T.Rao, Vice President, FIRA proposed vote of thanks.
Resolution No.1
The preamble of the Indian Constitution lays emphasis and insists on Secularism. Adhering to it, the officials of a secular Government are expected to act as listed hereunder. This conference lays stress on the following codes of conduct, that are all quite legal:
a) Government staff should not wear any religious symbol.
b) In Government offices and their campus, there should be no religious symbol, sign or any constructed structure.
c) In the places owned by the Government, there should be no structure or installation meant for religious worship. The already existing idols or structures meant for religious worship must be removed immediately.
In compliance with the Supreme Court verdict of September 2010, the temples built on pavements should be removed. If this is not accomplished, the Chief Secretaries of such states should attend the Supreme Court in person and submit explanation for their inaction.
The Supreme Court should further initiate voluntary steps to get explanation from the State Governments and proceed with appropriate action. This is an appeal of this conference. The conference further reminds that as per the information received earlier, 77,450 temples have been constructed in Tamil Nadu without official sanction and authorised permission.
d) Government staff should not involve themselves in any religious discourse, anywhere, under any circumstances.
This conference wishes to state that all the above cited resolutions have been adopted and passed unanimously based on the principle of secularism, adumbrated in the Preamble of Indian Constitution.
Resolution No.2
It is Resolved by this conference that the curriculum for education should prescribe lessons that could inculcate scientific temper in the learners and must in no way cause superstitious beliefs. This conference insists on the framing of syllabus strictly adhering to this principle.
Resolution No.3
Women who form 50 per cent of the population and are half of it, should be granted without fail 50 per cent reservation in education and employment opportunities, State Assemblies and the Parliament. A new law must be enacted to get this implemented in practice. This conference RESOLVES to achieve this objective, besides reiterating firmly that social justice is inclusive of gender justice.
Resolution No.4
It is RESOLVED by the conference that the children of Inter-caste and Inter-religion couples should be granted certain percentage of reservation in education and employment opportunities. The conference insists on the Union Government enacting exclusively a new law to implement it in practice.
Resolution No.5
The print and electronic media are the inventions and contributions of science, but they have been functioning as unscientific devices to spread superstitions and blind beliefs. This conference condemns it as an abuse of human intellect and an erosion of integrity. The conference firmly believes that such misuse of science is a breach of trust betraying our people and an obstacle on their path of development, growth and advancement in life. It is RESOLVED to urge the authorities concerned to give up this anti-people move. This conference further highlights the fact that it is the bounden duty of every citizen to develop scientific temper, humanism, spirit of inquiry and reform as insisted upon by Article 51A(h) of the Indian Constitution. The conference unanimously adopts this significant resolution to keep track of the accomplishment.
Compiled by: nietzsche