The Department of History in Queen Mary’s College for Women (Autonomous) in Chennai and the Dravidian Historical Research Centre jointly organised a seminar at the Golden Jubilee Hall in the College, on 12th February, 2025. The significance of Dravidian ideology and the Indian Constitution was the topic of discussion in the symposium. The inaugural address was delivered by Dr.K.Veeramani, as the Chancellor of Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science Technology (Deemed University) at Vallam, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu), and also as the patron of the Dravidian Historical Research Centre. Thiru.P.Jagadeesan, former Vice-Chancellor of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli (TN) and also the President of the Dravidian Historical Research Centre presided over the inaugural event and addressed the audience. It was preceded by the Welcome Address by the Principal of Queen Mary’s College, Professor Dr.Uma Maheswari.
The other celebrities who participated and delivered speeches were –
1. Ms.A. Arulmozhi, Advocate of Madras High Court and also the Propaganda Secretary of the Dravidar Kazhagam (DK).
2. Professor Dr.Ramu Manivannan, former H.O.D. of Political Science, University of Madras.
3. Professor A. Karunanandan, former H.O.D. of History, Vivekananda College, Chennai and also the Vice-President of the Dravidian Historical Research Centre.
The speeches delivered by the prominent academicians were as follows in nutshell:
Asiriyar Dr.K.Veeramani
“Queen Mary’s College was the first Women’s College that came long ago under the administration of the Government of Tamil Nadu. It has been imparting education to Women Students for the past 118 glorious years. Today there are 750 women teaching faculty taking care of the education of nearly 5000 girl students. It also has the pride of the status of Autonomy.
I am extremely delighted by this first opportunity to deliver my speech here. During 1950s when I was a student of Annamalai University in Chidambaram, I still remember, I had read a book under the title “Sooryan”, authored by Professor Ms.Rajeswari, who was then a staff of this College.
The social transformation that Thanthai Periyar dreamt of throughout his life became a reality at this College. There was a period when crazy people used to ask furiously – “Why should women be educated?” with the passing of time, we got colleges exclusively meant for women, women teachers, women students and entirely women administrative staff. This was the change that Periyar used to see in his mind’s eye and that which he was longing for. The students who acquired education at this college must be living somewhere as empowered women. The students getting educated here at present are also not merely bound by text books in my opinion. They are ‘Human Missiles’ rushing to reach and explore a brave new world.”
The Constitution and its assurance
“All the representatives of the Government elected by the mandate of the people, assume their posts swearing on Indian Constitution. They promise to abide by all the adumbrations in it. The Constitution comprises certain Articles and Clauses that could neither be flouted nor changed. The prominent one among them is its Preamble, that is infact the essence of our Dravidian ideology itself. It begins with the striking words – “We, the People of India….”.
It assures the offering of social, economic and political justice in practice to all the people and also guarantees Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for all. According to Dr.Ambedkar these originated from Buddha’s Preaching.
The axis of Dravidian ideology itself is – “Everything is for Everyone.”
Discard the outdated
Generally we call educated people “literate” and uneducated people illiterate. Renowned Writer Alvin Toffler said – “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”
Accordingly to him, that which is harmful to an individual and to the society must be discarded. All the outdated codes of conduct, texts and conventions should be given up. Adamantly clinging to them is as stupid as willingly buying from a drug store, medicines after the date of their expiry. Dravidian ideology has been insisting at times on avoiding all the worn-out rubbish of the olden days.
The Constitution is clear not only about the fundamental rights of every citizen but also stresses on the basic duties of every citizen. Failing in our duty and claiming our rights is not fair at all. Rights acquired thus can never be everlasting. Article 51A(h) of the Constitution clearly states – “It shall be the duty of every citizen of the country to develop scientific temper, humanism and spirit of enquiry and reform.”
Even before this fundamental duty found its place in the Constitution, it has been the prime Dravidian ideology. Our Dravidar Kazhagam has been spreading it among the people. The fountain head of this noble philosophy was Thanthai Periyar.
Hanuman worship for Visa
Sporadic incidents in the country revolving around irrationalism does not seem to be developing scientific spirit. Most of the news reports in the print and electronic media prove it. A recent news report is really amusing.
Illegal immigrants of the U.S. are being deported by the recently formed Trump government. It has not explained how the migration process should legally be followed in future. Confusion does prevail over this issue. At this complicated stage, at a Hanuman temple in Gujarat people have thronged to pray to the idol of Hanuman to help them get a visa to the U.S. These people are waiting for a valid visa to migrate, but how can Hanuman help them get it? Does it not seem stupid and ridiculous? The scientific temper has gone with the wind. The media adds fuel to the fire by repeatedly highlighting it. The authorities concerned remain silent spectators.
Young students of this new era would never tolerate this idiocy. If they rise in protest, such senseless behaviour of gullible people would certainly come to an end.
Graded inequality
Manusmriti that has caused graded inequality in society should be thrown overboard. The upper caste is placed above four lower castes making it a 1 + 4 structure. Women have been allocated the spot below the fourth rung, which is a grave injustice. Girl students assembled here should think deeply about the degradation of women by the outdated Manusmriti. Young women of this new Age must discard all such rubbish that actually implies ascending order of respect and a descending order of contempt. The youth should fight with us for caste annihilation. This is my appeal to all the young girl students here.
In this golden jubilee hall today, nearly 300 girl students are attentively listening to my speech through good audio systems and acoustics. Amplifiers make me audible. This seminar is being videographed by technicians enabling people everywhere watch the event. What has made all these possible? Advancement in Science, growth of technology and invincible scientific temper of the new generation. Should we not move now towards the next stages? Every one of you should develop your scientific temper in order to reap the benefits of science to a great extent.
The World to Come
The segregation as Dravidians and Aryans did not crop up through a blood test. It is based on our cultural heritage which is pre-Aryan. Dravidian culture promotes equality, rationalism and self-respect. The Aryans have been with a divisive mentality classifying humans unjustly. Dravidian culture should be adhered to by the youth in order to form a new egalitarian world nurturing humanism and social justice.
In a battle field of warfare, a group of soldiers lead the army removing obstacles on the way, detecting explosives and ensuring safety for the following soldiers. They are called “Sappers and Miners”. Our Dravidian movement also serves like them smashing and removing all the stumbling blocks that hinder the progress of society. Our movement strives to see that absolute equality prevails everywhere and make sure that all people everywhere get equal opportunities.
Before I conclude my speech I would like girl students assembled here to recall how in the bygone days, a newly married bride had to step inside the new home by placing her right foot first on the floor. Did it make any sense dear students? I urge upon you all to crush all such unscientific codes of conduct. Reach glorious heights in life developing your scientific temper. Wish you all the best in future.
Welcome Address by the Principal
The principal of Queen Mary’s College, Ms.Uma Maheswari said in her Welcome Address –
“Once someone asked Arignar Anna – “Where is Dravidam?” Anna retorted immediately “You can find it in our National Anthem.” People who heard him were spellbound by his wise reply.”
She further added – “Thirukkural is contrary to the Manusmriti because unlike Manusmriti, it stresses on equality. Dravidian ideal is not based on any political concept. It is based on humane sentiment and culture. Thanthai Periyar and Arignar Anna strove to establish equality in society. Following in their footprints Asiriyar Veeramani is knee deep in that noble task.”
Professor Dr.P. Jagadeesan
In his Presidential address he said – “Girl students here should know that the honorific prefix ‘Periyar was given not by men – but by women in an exclusive women’s conference. This seminar is quite aptly being held in a Women’s College. I urge upon you all to study history deeply and learn absolute facts.”
Advocate Ms.A.Arulmozhi
While addressing the students she said –
“Long ago women were blamed if they could not deliver themselves of a male child. Young girls here should learn that child birth depends on the double chromosomes XX and XY. The somatic cells of humans comprise double chromosomes, the males do possess XY chromosomes and females do possess ‘XX’. But the reproductive cell contains only single chromosomes ‘X’ in ovum and either ‘X’ or ‘Y’ in sperm. The union of single chromosomes ‘X’ from male and ‘X’ from female would result in female baby and ‘Y’ from male and ‘X’ from female, in male baby. ‘Y’ chromosome determines the male sex that can be contributed only by the male and not the female. Women had to bear the abuses of the husband and his parents if the child turned out to be a baby girl. Women used to suffer owing to this stupidity. Those were the days of the past. Young girls of this scientific Age should be aware of this scientific truth. Shed all your inhibitions and come forward to learn such facts and develop your Scientific temper.”
Professor Ramu Manivannan
He highlighted former Prime Minister the late V.P.Singh’s vital role in Reservation for the Backward classes. He hailed him as a great warrior of social justice and said –
V.P.Singh was the Prime Minister only for 343 days. When some people ridiculed him about his shortest term, he quickly retorted –
“How long a Prime Minister remained in power is not important. What he did for the people when he was in power is important. I provided the backward classes with invaluable social justice.”
Thiru.A. Karunanandan
The Vice-President of the Dravidian Historical Research Centre compared our progress in the field of education with the condition during the British rule and said –
“During the British rule, progress was only on “proclamation” level but today in free India our progress has come to the “legislation” level. Long ago, education was the sole right of the upper caste. Through the efforts of Lord Macaulay everyone got the right to education. Hence glorifying the past is meaningless. Dravidian ideology teaches us to avoid talking big about the bygone days. We should move forward in order to achieve greater progress and establish equality. Strive today for a bright tomorrow, Study the history of the past but script a new history tomorrow.” This is my advice to all the women students.”
Compiled by – V. Kumaresan