Periyar spoke time and again on the importance of using a rationalist outlook in order to annihilate castes. He used to stress that the root cause of caste system itself is man’s irrational beliefs. Let us see this month how his views were published in ‘Viduthalai’ issues on various dates in the past.
Periyar’s Speech in a Conference at Karur (Tamil Nadu) on 15.12.1962
Dear friends, I started protesting against castes, when I was a 7 –year – old boy. This may sound incredible but it is true. When I was prevented by my parents from moving closely with the boys and girls of oppressed castes, I was infact a seven – year – old boy. My hatred towards caste system took deep seated root in my heart when I was 14. I used to eat food in the houses of nomadic tribe people denigrated as ‘Kuravas’. I was fed by many ‘untouchables’. My parents used to punish me for my intimacy with them but I was stubborn in my hatred towards the evil caste system. I started thinking deeply about annihilation of castes. This shaped me as a profound rationalist.
The tool to eradicate castes:
I believe, rationalism is the best tool to dismantle this evil structure. A true rationalist must throw overboard all that the ancestors preached and wrote long ago. We need not consider the people of bygone eras as our role models. We must mould and shape ourselves as role models for the future generations; for the posterity in the world to come. We must become the inspiring ancestors for the youth of forthcoming generations. Hence, as the first step we must ignore completely all the outdated scriptures and mythologies. Promoters of castes have been taking us for a ride by using strange names for the past eras and saying that each era was of one lakh years and that some were of even ten lakh years. Does it make any sense?
Ramayan, Mahabharat and other epics cropped up only after the life time of Buddha. There are references to Buddha in the epic Ramayan. We find in Ramayan even references to Vishnu Puran, Devi Bhagwat etc. Some fanatics say that several Buddhas existed in several eras. How are we to believe that there was a Buddha in every era? I urge upon you all to read the works of European rationalists. You would realise then that heaven and hell are illusions. There is nothing called previous birth or reincarnation. Sins, salvations, underworld purgatory, purification and expiation are all senseless fabrications by the fanatics of yesteryears. I firmly believe, rationalism is the most effective tool to annihilate castes.
(‘Viduthalai’ – 23rd December 1962)
‘Ekadasi’ – the ‘Gateway of Paradise’
Either in December or January every year gullible people throng temples to celebrate a day called ‘Ekadasi’ believing it to be the gateway of Paradise or heaven. This imaginary abode is called ‘Vaikunt’ by these irrationalists. People rush to cities like Srirangam near Trichy, squandering their hard earned money with the hope of an entry ticket to heaven. How ridiculous this is! Hundreds of cock and bull stories are spun to make people believe in the so called significance of ‘Vaikunt Ekadasi’, Devotees keep awake throughout the night, observe fasting and wait for the opening of the gateway in temples. How can we tolerate these incorrigible people?
Pongal celebration preferable
I am against all other festivals but Pongal is not a festival. It is a celebration that does not have a religious back drop. It is an event that reflects secularism. It is not based on any concocted mythological tale. It is a common celebration for all in any part of the world, though it takes place on different months and dates in some of the states. Pongal is considered a ‘Harvest Celebration’. It honours the world of agriculture and farmers who grow food for us by their sweat and toil. Some fanatics tried to fabricate unbelievable stories even for ‘Pongal’ but none in the world believes in them.
Pongal celebration is considered a joyous day for the Tamils. Sports and merriments related to the culture of the Tamils take place during the celebration for three days in January every year. We should welcome only this preferable celebration since it is devoid of religious fanaticism. Pongal reflects the dignity of humankind and glorifies farmers who feed us. Pongal celebration is a token of our gratitude to all the tillers of land. Hence I have been in its favour. It is a rationalist celebration indeed. Pongal celebration could not be coated by brahmins with the colours of religion, myths, false beliefs and fabricated tales.
(‘Viduthalai’ – 13th October 1970)
Diwali belittles Dravidians
I believe that Diwali festival itself is an Aryan ploy. It glorifies Aryans and denigrates Dravidians. Our Self-respect movement has made our people realise it to a large extent. For the past ten years, most of our people have given up Diwali in preference to the Harvest Celebration, Pongal. Our movement made people celebrate it as an event of the Tamils. This awareness should become widespread. Irrationalist Diwali must be ignored by us. It symbolises caste bias and religious extremism. It propagates Aryan supremacy. We must use our ability to reason as a tool to crush caste menace. Unless we have a rationalist outlook in every move of ours, we cannot eradicate castes.
During this year 1949, a few days back, I received 450 Pongal Greeting Cards and a lot of messages of Greetings. I acknowledged them all by sending personally “Thank you” notes to all the senders. I used a lot of cards and envelopes to reciprocate. I was delighted by the fact that all those senders are rationalists like me. The senders were not only the members of our Dravidar Kazhagam and Self-respect movement but also other non-brahmin friends and well-wishers of various classes and communities. Ninety per cent of our cadres have already given up Diwali and many other Aryan festivals. I am immensely pleased by their awareness.
Avoid periodicals of brahmins
Dailies, Weeklies, Fortnightlies and Monthlies published by brahmin media barons spread superstitions and irrationalist concepts. We, the Tamils, must stay away from such periodicals. They are much more deceptive and harmful than Manusmriti, Bhagwad Gita, Ramayan and Mahabharat. Our people continue to exist with the stigma of ‘Sudhras’, to a great extent by the publishing tactics of these periodicals churned out by brahmin publishers.
Thirukkural ignites dignity
Promoters of rationalism and self-respect should deeply study the eminent Tamil sage Valluvar’s ‘Thirukkural’. It shatters the deceptive concepts imposed by Aryans. At present, qualified and eligible candidates are denied appointment as judges if they are found to have rejected Ramayan and Bhagwad Gita. People who respect and regard Manusmriti are glorified as big people inspite of their vices and short comings.
The couplets in ‘Thirukkural’ are sparks of wisdom. They elevate readers to a higher level of intellect. Copies of ‘Thirukkural’ would be ideal gifts to people who promote rationalism and self-respect. ‘Thirukkural’ is essential for knowledge, dignity and self-respect. It is a pack of seeds for the growth of rationalism.
The Aryans have been hatching plans to make us exist perpetually like uncivilised barbarians. We should defeat them by our power of reasoning. Reasoning ability would cause rationalism and rationalism can ultimately annihilate castes. Aryan festivals have been humiliating Dravidians. I have decided to fight relentlessly to liberate our ‘Sudhra’ cadres, friends and well-wishers. The Tamils should rise against Aryan domination and monopoly. To make our downtrodden people live with self-respect is my mission. I am sure our rationalist outlook in all our activities would crush Aryan supremacy under its heels.
The effects of Self-respect Movement
The Aryans were against self-respect and inter-caste marriages but we have succeeded in making our people opt for such reformatory marriages. Inter-caste marriages are being held all over Tamil Nadu these days. Rejection of castes is a sign of rationalism and rationalism is the sharp axe that can uproot castes. I wish to conclude with three prime requests to you, my dear cadres and well-wishers:
1. Avoid all the Aryan festivals and celebrate only Pongal every year.
2. Avoid all the deceptive works such as Ramayan, Bhagwad Gita and Manusmriti.
3. Avoid patronising periodicals of brahmin publishers. Be regular readers of the Dravidian periodicals published by the Tamils.
(‘Viduthalai’ – 19th January 1949)
Translated by : M.R. Manohar