Thiru. V. Kamakoti, the Director of Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM), recently voiced his stand that ‘Komiyam’ (gomutra / Cow Urine) has medical benefits. His reiteration was followed by wide spread criticism in the print and electronic media. The Dravidar Kazhagam (DK) accused Kamakoti of promoting fake beliefs, devoid of scientific temper. Pseudoscience is hazardous for the development and progress of the country. On 6th February, 2025, a special meeting was held at Periyar Thidal, Chennai to discuss the necessity of scientific temper. Dr.K.Veeramani, the patron of Periyar Library Readers’ Circle presided over the meet and delivered a Special Address. K.Ashok Vardan Shetty, Former Vice-Chancellor of the Central Maritime University and a renowned retired I.A.S. Officer attended as the Chief Guest and addressed the audience. Their speeches were as follows in nutshell:
Dr.K. Veeramani, Patron,
Periyar Library Readers’ Circle:
Our rationalist movement is the only outfit consistently raising the question – “Why do we need Scientific temper?” and churning out the answer in detail for public awareness. Our self-respect movement has been jointly propagating the necessity of scientific temper and has been fighting against pseudoscience and fake beliefs.
Whenever administrators swear in while assuming coveted posts, right from Village Panchayat Presidents upto the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and Parliament members, they take an oath swearing upon the Constitution, that has clearly specified the fundamental duty of every citizen. Article 51A(h) insists on the prime duty and says –
“It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to develop scientific temper, humanism, spirit of enquiry and reform”
Following outdated beliefs and impractical conventions is against scientific temper. The spirit of enquiry is the gate way of humanism. It is the path that leads us to social reformations. We have to adapt ourselves to the changing times and fine tune our life style in all respects. Birds build nests even today as they used to build 2000 years ago, but man does not build a house as it was built long ago. The mode of construction has undergone vast changes. Adherence to unscientific thoughts and beliefs is of no use today. It would never help us progress and grow.
In schools our children are being taught about the scientific principle behind solar and lunar eclipses. An eclipse occurs when the sun, the moon and the earth appear on a straight line. This is an astronomical fact with a scientific basis. But these scholars contradict themselves on the days of eclipse, advising people not to consume food during the eclipse. They threaten that the food would become unfit for consumption if it is prepared during eclipse. This is an unabashed superstition, indeed.
We have always been insisting on the necessity of the spirit of enquiry. Our self-respect movement has been restlessly educating our people to realise this truth. The statement of the Director, I.I.T, Madras that cow urine has medicinal benefits is a mockery of Science. How could a person holding a high post as the IIT Director issue such ridiculous statements?
Academicians have the moral responsibility of coming out at all times with proven facts based on authenticated evidences. Outlet of baseless fake beliefs is certainly detrimental to the growth and development of the country. Eminent academicians are infact accountable to the society.
Recently a book by eminent researcher and author Arun Shorie was published under the title – “The New Icon: Savarkar and the Facts”. The work revolves around Savarkar and his association with several political leaders. The book comprises certain arguments that took place between Tilak and Savarkar. Savarkar had mocked at Tilak’s fake belief in the medicinal qualities of cow urine. Savarkar had also stressed that consumption of meat is an individual’s personal choice and that none has the right to question it. Surprisingly, today we find the Hindutva coteries politicising this issue, blabbering much over beef, cow urine etc;
Thus, unscientific trash is being treasured and commended by vested interests. Our bounden duty is to question all such pseudoscientific rubbish and throw them overboard. The basis of our progress is undeniably scientific temper. It has the most vital role in our growth. Hence, let us all collectively nourish and make scientific temper flourish everywhere and strengthen the foundation of our advancement in life.
Ashok Vardan Shetty I.A.S. (Retd.),
former Vice-Chancellor, Central Maritime University:
The statement of the I.I.T.M. Director Kamakoti is a baseless fake belief. The medicinal quality of cow urine has not been scientifically proved. It is painful to find senior academicians coming out with such baffling views. This would make people lose faith in scientific and technological innovations. Cow urine may contain to some extent anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties but they are in negligible measures. Advising its consumption is not at all advisable. It would be a sign of ignorance. The I.I.T.M. Director’s defence of his stand is unconvincing. Only the Central Drug Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) can provide an authenticated, reliable finding. No such authorised department has certified confirming medicinal qualities in cow urine. If this is a scientific truth, international Drug Control experts would have already made use of cow urine in manufacturing processes. Kamakoti has cited several research papers published in research oriented journals but media personnel should have asked him for proof in actual practice.
The print and the electronic media have a vital role to be played in promoting scientific temper everywhere. It would infact be far better if the media atleast avoid publishing matters revolving around pseudoscience. This would prevent misguiding and misleading the common public.
With reference to the stand of Kamakoti, I would like to point out another aspect. The disinfectants such as phenyl and Dettol that we use at home also have anti-infective properties as claimed by him. Can we drink phenyl and Dettol believing that they have medicinal qualities? Would the I.I.T.M. Director Kamakoti recommend the consumption?
On the surface level most of our godmen have been disagreeing with scientific truths and infact with science itself. Godman Nithyananda, who is in exile, has been declaring the E = mc2 theory of Albert Einstein itself as erroneous. He has dared to rubbish the widely accepted Theory of Relativity.
The ‘Sadguru’ godman of the Isha Centre threatens without any valid proof that eclipses are hazardous to human health. A High court judge of U.P. has stated that cows not only inhale oxygen but also exhale it. Another judge hailing from Rajasthan has stated that peacocks and peahens reproduce without copulating. Is it credible? Does it have any corroboration? An I.A.S. officer who was formerly a Union Cabinet Minister, has rubbished the evolution theory of Charles Darwin, the renowned natural scientist. Following his statement, in some of our States, the lessons related to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution have been removed.
Learned people should protest against such news reports getting published because they could numb even brilliant minds. Lack of collective efforts to do this is too bad on our part. Infact, we fail in our duty by remaining silent spectators. Such unscientific rubbish would get piled up since no one comes forward to question them.
How are we to nourish and grow scientific temper in the minds of all our people? People should be inquisitive and seek absolute truth. Nothing should be believed hastily without ascertaining the basis. We should realise that romanticising the past is dangerous. Adamantly clinging to our stand firmly and refusing to reconsider must be given up. Inculcating scientific temper in our people could be done stage after stage and step by step if the implementation is difficult to take place overnight. Every one of us should contribute individually to the maximum extent possible for fruitful results and a great impact. This united effort on our part is enough to achieve our objective.
Compiled by: nietzsche